Yo-Yo dieting
Okay, so according to the scale on Saturday I weighed it at exactly the same weight as last month. So I am down a total of 9.6 lbs since the beginning of the contest. The reality is that I have actually lost approx 28 pounds since the beginning of the contest. I attend each weigh in and then for the next few weeks I don’t really pay too close attention to diet or exercise so I gain some (if not all or more) of the weight back. Then about 7-10 days before the next weigh in, I am good about watching my diet and getting in a little exercise if possible. Luckily so far I have not posted a gain, but I am not sure how long that will last if I keep this up! I wish that I was actually down 28lbs. That would be fabulous! I have a lot of admiration and respect for those in the contest who have managed to take the weight off, keep it off and keep losing! My hat is off to you!